Vision For Cregagh

The Kirk Session of Cregagh Presbyterian Church wish to pursue a vision, a belief that God is going to move in our community and do great work for his Kingdom in this place. To that end they are committed to moving forward, desiring more of God and a deeper relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, desiring to share the Gospel of salvation with one another, with the community and further afield. The desire is that this would be a vision shared throughout the congregation, building on the important foundations of the past, encouraging the vital work that is being carried out presently, while looking forward to what God might do in our congregation in the future. Seeking His glory first in all that we do.


  • Continuing to encourage our Praise Group by exploring more contemporary forms of worship. Adapting the Autumn Communion into a Praise Group led service.
  • Involving members of the congregation in the leading of services, including Bible readings, prayers and children’s addresses.
  • Support our rich choral tradition by actively encouraging members, especially the young, to join the choir.
  • To involve a wider range of folk in the welcoming of visitors and members to worship and to explore new ways of being more ‘visitor friendly’.
  • Continue to develop Café Connect, while also giving Connect greater opportunity to take part in morning services.


  • Continuing to encourage ‘Tea and Talk’ highlighting it as an opportunity for everyone, of all ages to share in fellowship.
  • Exploring the possibility of recommencing car boot sales.
  • To build new and strengthen our existing links with mission locally and overseas.
  • Enhancing our online presence.
  • Encouraging the OKAY group, to further develop ‘church family’ outreach, worship and fellowship opportunities.
  • Actively seek greater links with local schools, churches and community groups.
  • Engage proactively with our uniformed organisations, seeking to involve them more in the life and witness of the congregation.
  • Launching ‘Sunday Night Social’ outreach nights, exploring the Gospel in fresh and interactive ways.
  • Look at summertime in Cregagh and the potential of a summer team leading a programme of children’s work and outreach.
  • Explore the starting of a ‘Good News Club’ for primary school children.
  • Sharing with other churches in running courses such as Christianity Explored in the community.


  • Running an annual Communion discussion evening, leading to communion classes.
  • Encouraging members to pray more and place a greater focus on devotional life.
  • Exploring the possibility of a 20-50 group and the potential of house groups.
  • Rebrand the Youth Fellowship, introduce a mentoring programme and redecorate the youth room.
  • Explore the possibility of a Men’s Fellowship group.
  • Sharing in a ‘Week of Prayer’ leading up to the start of each church year.
  • Kirk Session taking time to study and reflect together.
  • Placing Bible Study as central in the rhythm of church life. Run the monthly Sunday night study and ‘Blobs’ discussion group while looking at other ways to open up Scripture together. Providing opportunity for every member to share in Bible study.
  • Explore the potential for personnel to enhance and exercise ministry in Cregagh.

Sunday 22nd September 2019 – Vision for Cregagh Sermon

Rev. Edward McKenzie explains the details of the Vision for Cregagh document.

To watch the full service visit the services page, or our youtube channel.